헬로포스(KCP POS pro)

by 링크



■ The beginning of efficient store management, Hello Force■ Hello Force introduction pagehttps://hellopos.waveon.io/Why Hello Force?1) Anyone can easily sign up▷ This app can be used by anyone, from a one-person store to the franchise headquarters of an affiliated store. 2) Convenient ordering▷ With an easy UI interface, you can place orders with little help from a guide.3) Sales analysis insights▷ You can run your business smartly by providing sales analysis and sales reports by time, product, and member. 4) Convenient marketing▷ Simple point accumulation policy that encourages repeat visits by new/regular customers within the app just by entering their mobile phone number 5) Force interior era▷ Configure a simple counter using tablets and smartphones Hello Force is still working hard! Please look forward to various features in the future!